Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Shut up shut up shut up shut up

Oh my god, please make the candidates shut up. There is no story they will not spin. No truth they won't stretch. No tiny bit of patriotism they wont' try to twist into hate of their opponent. Why don't Americans vote. Because politicians are vile pieces of scum and we wish with all our might they are not really indiciative of us as a people.

Take this "Global Test" bullshit for instance.

I can't take it. Uncle! You have convinced me that you are all scum.

Congratulations. From this campign I have learned that Vietnam heros are liars (it is not clear if all Vietnam Vets are or are not). That disagreeing with the President during a "war" is treason (that was noted during the open ended war on terror - not the Iraq war).

I have learned that car bombs killing hundres of Iraqs a week is progress. I learned that going into the National Guard is just an excuse to party (myself, I don't think the brave guard troops in Iraq feel that way - but what is reality seems not to matter to our candidates).

In short, I have learned that you will say anything, do anything, exploit any tradgity, play off any fear, flame any hatred in order to get elected the most powerful man in the world.

I have learned, in short, our president (whom ever it is that wins this election) is amoral. I would not be friends with him. If he were tied to the train tracks and a train was coming I would wish that his running mate and opponent and Karl Rove were right there with him.

And our "news media" were a bit farther down the tracks.

A great lesson to teach our kids.