Monday, November 01, 2004

Back from NYC

So we had planned a week-end in New York quite a while ago. We decided to go, as really there isn't anything else I can do for Zela now.

It was quite a fun week-end. We saw WICKED!, which was a killer show on Broadway. It was great. Eddie got us a private tour of NBC studios in new York. We walked on the Nightline set, the Sports Set (where they told us they didn't really want football anyway), and the Saturday Night Live set. It was really fun. We also bumbled around the city with Lynn and Muffin.

And I realized I will my Grandma a lot. I was taking pictures of us as well as buildings and things when I realized that I really don't have anyone to show these too. I mean I will show them and all, but the point was often to show Zela - for whom my pictures were a window into a world that she didn't share but did help make possible.

And coming back on the plane I looked at Ed and was in love. But you know you can only say "I love you" or "Thank you honey" so long before you sound like a blathering idiot. So, in my brain, I started to sing the song Zela always sang to me.

I love you, a bushel and a peck.
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

And I realized that she sang that to me because she didn't want to say I love you all the time and sound crazy.

So it was a good week-end to get away. And it is good I will always take her with me.