Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas Time and the nuts are out

You know, all over TV (Bill O'Rilly) and radio, the right wingers are attacking everyone who isn't Christian for driving Christmas out of the publich square and replacing it with "Happy Holidays".

1) Shut up. This isn't really happening. You are just saying this crap because you have already won your election and convinced the populace that "elites" are "trying to twist the country to their side."

2) I love the meaning of Christmas. It is a celebration of all that is good in religion. It is a celebration of Jesus, who preached love, family and committment.

I mean bascially Christian religion is a good thing. It teachs humility, chariety, truthfulness, and obligation to one's family and community. You don't have to believe in God, to believe these are good things.

I love Christmas. Not just the presents, and the tacky lights and making fun of Ed having to ride his bike in the basement. No, I love the spirit behind it. We are all family. I mean the human family might be a stretch for some, but people are capible of so much good as a community. Sure we have crazies, but it our job to stop them. I mean, if you believe that humanity is a family, then it is up to us to make sure that old Uncle Ali doesn't hit the sauce to hard before the dinner.

And you shouldn't make such a mess in the kitchen that it is hard to clean up (I'm talking to you Aunt Serbia).

I can't always worry about the world-wide family. But I can say to my family (related by blood, marriage or firendship) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Season. Open your heart to the people that love you. And clean up your room damnit. This isn't a motel!