Friday, February 04, 2005


I don't know if that is how you spell Aingst. Hopefully spellchecker will shed some light on the proper care and feeding of the word. Alls I know is that I feel it slightly.

I know I am old. I guess as you get older you see less and less of people. I don't really like it.

Lynn is selling us her part of he house in the desert. Her job is changing, and she has committments in LA and all of that is fine, but it is aingst-y for me. I already hardly see Gavin and Mickey (Gavin works with Ed, so that is enough contact with us). I don't see Ron much anymore. I don't see my friends in England since my work has shifted to an Asian (and soon mid-East) direction. My mom lives far away. I do see more of Bradley as he has moved east-erly, so that is nice. Lauren's gone. Zela's gone.

I'm aingsty. I know I should just get over it, but ... whatever.