Monday, October 24, 2005

Reagan and the Brain Speedometer

How dumb do Radio News reporters think we are? I am listening to the news about the new exhibit at the Reagan Library. The 707 that was his Air Force One has just opened there in an exhibit about how the Air Force One was used by 7 presidents, but Reagan used it the most.

Well the news reporter says, “Today Ronald Reagan’s Air Force One goes on display. Well… I mean Ronald Reagan didn’t actually sit at the controls, but he was the President that most often flew it. You know, as a passenger.”

I think to myself – what are there thousands of people who were thinking, “Damn, that man was not only a great Prezdent – but he could fly that bad boy too!”? I think not.

And then, a commercial comes on that makes me question that thought. There is some new natural herb that will help your brain think faster. It is at GNC. Don’t believe them? Don’t take my word for it – they offer a free, on-line brain speedometer to measure your Brain Speed before and after the herb.

And I think, “Brain Speedometer?”

Okay, maybe there are thousands of people who think that Ronnie actually was flying Air Force 1.