Thursday, December 22, 2005

Haven't I Been Good!?!?!

Have not I been very good? I have not berated you with my thoughts on George ("I can do whatever I want, and you sad sorry bastards can't do a thing to me") Bush.

He illegally wiretaps. No, turns out he says it is not illegal because he only wiretaps International calls (albeit both the US and the foreign sides). No, wait. It turns out (read yesterday's New York Times) that he wiretaps US to US calls. But only when he thinks it MIGHT have to do with Terrorism. As the Attorney General said yesterday, all is fair when we are in a state of war.

Memo to Attorney General, we are not in a state of war. We have not declared War. The "War on Terror", like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Poverty" (or the short lived "War on Islamic Extremists" - which was swiftly recalled by the white House PR team after a short out-of-town run on the Sunday news shows) is a phrase, not a real War. You might want to look that up - being, you know, Attorney General and all.

Does it pas the Bill Clinton test? If Bill did it, would Congress be raising a stink? (Let's see... They impeached him for getting a hummer, my guess is they would have drawn and quartered him for illegally wire-tapping people he thought MIGHT be engaged in something illegal.)

To bad there is no precedent to judge this by. Yep, too bad something like this has never happened before. All new. No one knows if it is illegal or not. That is, if by no precedent you mean that you will purposefully choose to be an idiotic partisan a-hole. You see, there is one little precedent. The second charge of impeachment against Richard Nixon was that he illegally wiretapped citizens.

But that was back when our elected representatives chose to represent us, not blindly follow the party hack leaders into the land of DeNile.