Wednesday, March 29, 2006

How have I turned into an asshole?

You know my city has turned on me. I mean, I love LA. Like I love Palm trees and used to love Disneyland. In that weird ass, too- much kind of way that chesseheads love Wisconsin.

Add to that, I am a big ass liberal (which is probably a pre-req for loving LA). I don't mind paying taxes for schools. I called my state rep to argue in favor of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants that otherwise meet California State College entrance exams. I know that the only way to stop illegal immigration is to fine employers (last year exactly 0 (ZERO) were fined in all of the US!). If I lived in the ass end of Mexico and getting to LA would make life better for my kids, I would go too. I don't freak out at Spanish Billboards and I have the Ranchero station programmed in my car. I kinda like it sometimes.

So why does TV broadcast images of my city marching with Mexican flags screaming California Hates Mexicans.

How does this city suddenly decide that I don't belong.

How do I not feel (even if I never say it) "if that is what you think, grab your flag and get your ass out"?