Thursday, March 02, 2006

See the problem here...

See the problem here is that neither the white house, nor the press corp nor anyone else much seems to care the Prezdent is a fat freakin' liar. He says that "No one could have anticipated the breech of the levees in New Orleans", which was why he stayed on vacation, then went to San Diego on a fund raiser, went back on vacation before flying over the scene.

But now a video de-brief from the day before the hurricane hit shows that everyone anticipated it. It shows how serious Katrina was and how desperate that FEMA was for help. It shows his Bushness sitting there pretending to listen to a briefing where a GIANT FUCKING HURRICANE WAS GOING TO DESTROY AN AMERICAN CITY. AND IT DID THE NEXT DAY. And then his Bushiness said he had no idea it was going to happen.

He is either a liar or an idiot.

It was 1 day. It's not like the briefing that said Bin Laden was determined to attack America - and it took over a month. This was 1 day later. Now granted, his Bushness was busy raising money in San Diego and cant' hold 2 different thoughts in his head - but that is why he has a staff of .. oh .. twenty. So he doesn't forget things like, you know, a giant hurricane that is bearing down on 1 million citizens.

But no one in the country seems to care. These are the same Republicans in Congress who impeached Clinton for getting a blow job. So hundreds of people died in new Orleans and the President lied about it. Okay - not a problem. Possibly illegal wire-taps - and the President / Congress won't appoint a special counsel? Not a problem.

Can you image the outrage if this was a Clinton. Hell, you already have the radio right calling Hillary "too angry" to run for President.

See, I try not to talk about it because there isn't anyway to make this funny. It is sad. The man we elected to be our highest government official lies to us constantly. He wiretaps us. He takes our taxes and waste them on schemes that help business, but not people (and if you think I am wrong take 3 minutes to investigate the mockery that is Medicare Drug Benefits - your taxes directly from your pocket to Glaxo - do not pass Go, do not buy from Canada).
When people speak out against his team, he outs CIA agents. He promises to fire anyone involved - then doesn't. And no one cares.

Clinton might have lowered the standards we hold a President to, but Bush has removed any standards at all. There are no Ethical, Moral or Legal standards that this administration is not willing to break, remove and lie about in order to expand their power and profit. And good people try to justify it. I don't think Republicans are bad. I do however think it is a sad scene watching them justify what is going on. Why we shouldn't look at it deeper. America is a sadder and poorer place because of these people.

And I am just trying to watch my ass so I don't get arrested.