Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Walking with John Travolta

So, even if you haven't seen Saturday Night Fever (like me) - you have seen John Travolta strutting down the boulevard. And everyone watches him.

Well, walking with the Trevor Pup is a lot like that. Trevor struts and everyone watches him. And Ed's training idea was perfect! He stops at the light and sits and waits to walk. This while other dogs yank and pull at the leashes (kind of like Ashford and Hastings did). Trevor is a good looking boy.

As for New York - it is very hot here right now. It is in the high 90's. But (knock wood) it hasn't been terribly humid. That is good because the heat I can handle pretty well.

Eddie and I have eaten at a REALLY cool restaurent (Ruby Foo's) the other day. The temporary housing is really nice - all up and in . It has a washing machine and air conditioner - so nothing to complain about. Plus it has wireless (okay someone in the building hasn't password protected their wireless -it's the same thing). So far so good.

As for my friends - Bridget's daughter pulls off the John Travolta look on a bike. She is a 3 year old looker.