Thursday, October 26, 2006

It never looks like this...

Pashminas. I am familiar with the word only from Friends (Reese Witherspoon (Ratchel's spoiled little sister) buys one, and Ross pretends it is his to keep Ratchel from taking it). (Which, by the way, probably says I watch too much Friends, but damnit I like Friends - and there certianly isn't anything waiting to steal the title of Scott's Favorite Show on the horizon. Actually there might be, but I have to see if it will be cancelled in season 1 before I committ. I have been hurt too many times before. But I digress).

Anyhow... This is what I expected a Pashmina to look like. A beautiful, handcrafted wrap for wearing to the Opera, or San Tropez or the casino in a James Bond movie.


A "Pashmina" may be defined as this; a small, ugly bedspread that women in New York wrap around themselves to keep warm. Our grandmothers wore these to the store in the winter and we were embarassed they carried their handnitted Afgan with them. (Afgan and Pashmina both sound exotic untilyou see them covering some cranky old lady pushing her ass in front of you.)

Just because you call it a "Pashmina" doesn't make your old chair-cover a San Tropez stylish wrap.

Pashmina.... phffffffffffttttttt.