Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Keith Olberman is My Hero

Keith Olberman is my HERO. From his show (full transcript here and here):

Mr. Bush, your judgment about Iraq — and now about "sacrifice" — is at variance with your people's, to the point of delusion.

Your most respected generals see no value in a "surge" — they could not possibly see it in this madness of "sacrifice."

The Iraq Study Group told you it would be a mistake.

Perhaps dozens more have told you it would be a mistake.

And you threw their wisdom back, until you finally heard what you wanted to hear, like some child drawing straws and then saying "best two out of three… best three out of five… Hundredth one counts."

Your citizens, the people for whom you work, have told you they do not want this, and more over, they do not want you to do this.

Yet once again, sir, you have ignored all of us.

To make him mascot of the month would be to damn him with faint praise. He is not a hotty or funny or make me warm inside. He is the voice of sanity right now in a media echo chamber of horrors. A place where 3003 dead soliders take second place in a news vacuum to arguements over Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon 30 years ago was right.

Thank goodness (really good-ness) that Keith Olberman is talking. And yea, I hated him when he was a sportscaster in LA. Apparently the gift of greatness lives in many of us.