Sunday, January 21, 2007

Liv Tyler on the plane

So I was on a flight the other day for a quick trip to LA from New York. I had been upgraded with vouchers at the last minutes so I dwaddle into my seat (1A).

Right before we take off a clearly celebrity and her group comes on. It turns out it was Liv Tyler, her husband, her baby and her nanny. Through a set of bad reservations, they were sitting in 1B, 1E, 2A and 3A. Not good. Well, I offered to change so that the family could sit together. Not because it was Liv Tyler, but because it was nice to do (and I didn't want to sit by the 2 year old by myself.).

Ultimately the group took their seats.

I flew back home the next day (I said it was quick) and had the same flight attendent (Wes) who had also worked business on that flight. We talked and Wes informed me that Liv Tyler was veyr nice, the child was reasonably nice, but the nanny was a bitch! I thought it was funny.

The husband, by the way, so not what I expected. He is a fop haired blond british guy. Definately in that fey "he's cute and little and isn't he gay?" way that some Brits have. He was much shorter than her and ... well he looked gay to me.

I found out from next week's People edition that the kid's name is Milo and she was in Paris for the new shows. And, for my nerd computer friends, she was Arwen in Lord of the Rings.