Sunday, February 25, 2007

The New York Times has..

The New York Times, arguably a terrific paper, has one of the lousiest sports sections in the world. It is slim, boring and (most notably) hideously parochial.

UCLA, which played basketball at 6PM New York time, was not in the paper. Not as in "no article", but as in "no result available". The game ended at 8 PM!!!

And yes, I have the late edition (they have the results of the UConn Women's Team). What is on the front page of the Sports Section ; Well, top story -

"Interpreters Are More Visible as Baseball is More International."

Other stories:
"As March Looms, Winthrop Cannot Rest Easy"
"Pitcher Has Big Stats and Big Stature, And Little Chance of Making Yankees."
" Father Goes to Aid His Son and Duke"