Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ed's New Job

Okay the news blackout (imposed by Eddie) is off. My Eddie was given a new job! He is now the CFO of NBC Universal Sports and Olympics. How Cool!

It is cool in a myriad of ways. First, he gets to go back and work with the businesses where he can make a real difference. He was reporting and "analysing", but the analysis seemed much less part of his job than the reporting. Second, he gets to take his bf (yours truly) to the Beijing Olympics. And if you know anything you know I love the Olympics!

The job is still in New York, so we aren't headed back to LA yet, but it is a really good job. He meet with Dick Ebersol (the guy who started Saturday Night Live and hired Lorne Micheals) and the heads of NBC Sports and the Olympics. He is happy, and that makes me happy.