Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Chef and the bar-b-que

Well, the chef (also "The Chief") made some kick-ass bar-b-que ribs this week-end. Eddie and I hauled our cookies to the great mid-west to hang out with his mom, brothers & sister-in-laws, nephews, nieces, new nieces and cousins. It was a great outing, but the highlight was Donald's ribs - they were delicious-oso. (Sean Neppl rated them 2.5 stars on a random scale, but he was oh-so-wrong. I think the growth spurt is affecting his brain.)

It was a fun week0end. We enjoyed ourselves, and Ed found that Annette's nick-name was "nutsie", which is somehow appropriate.

One last picture of Dora with her uncle Carson. Actually Dora was in-lurve with her uncle Scott, but no one got a picture of that, so we are making do....