Saturday, August 04, 2007

MSNBC: Paying off Enemies


In Iraq, a perilous alliance with former enemies
U.S. commanders offering large sums to enlist their former enemies

U.S. commanders are offering large sums to enlist, at breakneck pace, their former enemies, handing them broad security powers in a risky effort to tame this fractious area south of Baghdad in Babil province and, literally, buy time for national reconciliation.

American generals insist they are not creating militias. In contracts with the U.S. military, the sheiks are referred to as "security contractors." Each of their "guards" will receive 70 percent of an Iraqi policeman's salary. U.S. commanders call them "concerned citizens," evoking suburban neighborhood watch groups.

You may think I am going to bitch about this. You couldn't be more wrong. I think it is a great precedent.
I guess this gives future possible President Hillary's (possible) Secretary of Defense, Bill Clinton, the right to do the same thing in the future. You know, give cash to people that have been killing Americans - and get no promise they won't attack us in the future. Good job Bush.