Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back from Ohio

Well, we had a great time with Lynn in Columbus Ohio. It was a lot nicer than I expected. To be frightfully honest, I was a little afraid that Columbus would be a tiny burg in the middle of Nowhere, Midwest. After all, Columbus is like the 34th biggest metro area in the US.

My fears were unfounded. Lynn has a great house (really!) just a few minutes from her sister and nieces and nephew. The friends are great. We meet a lot of them on Friday night after we got there. The city lives and dies by Ohio State Football, and you know I love college ball.

The picture below is Ed and I with Lynn and her sister Sue (we are in our Ohio State U T-Shirts).

And Gracie, one of the cutest little pup in the world.

We also walked around the re-gentrified downtown. The hep downtown was called "North Short" and was a lot of fun. All in all, I quite like Columbus. Like I said it was cool.

Of course, then there is football. UCLA sucked giant wind this week-end. We had our worst loss since 1984.