Thursday, September 27, 2007

Guess which 2 are engaged!!!!

Go on, guess.

It isn't Ed. It isn't Jane.

That's right, it's Dan and Laura. (They of the "hurry the hell up" head tilt above.)

Now I will apologize straight off for the terrible picture here. We had been sitting at a 20 over cricket game in the rain and it isn't the best of Laura. But I ... well I had to say something.

Now, I met Laura on her ... what.. 13th birthday? Eddie and I were there the night she came home after her first serious snogging session. We saw her grow from a kid to the lovely young lady she is now. It took us a while to meet Dan, but we did. He's a great guy. A little geeky, but geeky is this year's black (so hip it hurts) - so that is okay. (By the way, black is so not this year's black. Grey is this year's black. And as for pink - pink was so 2 year's ago's black. But I digress.)

No hard and fast date yet, but I hear rumours of a ring from Tiffany's.

ps- In case you are wondering, Laura hasn't crashed one of Lisa's cars in almost a year. She isn't driving right now - but still. She crashed Lisa's car once when learning to drive and once when she "wasn't driving" - so that means nothing.