Saturday, February 23, 2008


So last night we saw a great movie on DVD. It was faboo! It is call Across the Universe and is... different.

It uses Beatles songs to tell a story in the 1960's. Imagine how happy Ed was to watch that (ha!). But it had other people sing the Beatles songs, and suddenly they made a little - lot more sense to Ed. Not only in context of the Beatles, but in context to the Vietnam War and the response to it.

And it was told through the eyes of a Brit who comes to America looking for his father, so it isn't about politics or the war - it was about people's reaction to their friends going off to war. It wasn't pro - or anti- anything. It was, most of all, a love story. Movingly told (albeit with a pysadelic mid-section that was a little long). I lurved it, and Ed liked it so much he called Lynnie in the middle of it to tell her she HAD to watch it.