Thursday, March 06, 2008

I submit my Mid-East Proposal Again

Look, let's face it. The middle east is a train wreck. But we can fix the Palestine /Israel issue for less cost that we are currently spending to support Israel and Egypt annually. Between them, we give Egypt and Israel about 5 Billion dollars a year (and have been for decades).

Let's (conservatively) say that we continue that for another decade. Another $50,000,000,000 dollars. Now, you are right if you say that is nothing next to the cost of the Iraq War. Or next to the cost of the Medicare Drug program. You know depending on your whole liberal / conservative compliant. But either way, it's a lot of dough (and both Egypt and Israel have asked us to give it to them in Euro's since the dollar is in the toilet, but that is another rant).
So here is an idea...

Buy the middle of Baja California. Move Israel from the middle east to the Pacific. There is almost no water in either place. They will be surrounded by us and Mexico (and we don't have to give Mexico that much for it). If Mexico wants a swap, give them some land in California or Arizona. Hey, Israel is TINY. (see the map below).

And the middle of Baja is empty! EMPTY!!!

And we already have a free trade agreement with all of them.

So you say to Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia, okay team. You wait 1 year and Saudi Arabia, kick in some funds for the movement. You let Israel withdraw in stages over the course of the year, and give up the land as they do that.

Even if the US has to build water desalinization plants in Baja, it is still a cost win for us.

There you go. Less killing, Palestine for the Palestinians, a new Israel for the Jews.

And less you think I am giving nothing up, this will make Cabo San Lucas (one of my favorite vacations) unvisitable due to the crowds.

See, it is a good idea isn't it.

Next Year In Santa Jerusalem.