Saturday, March 29, 2008

Latest Drug Side Effect

You may be wondering,… Scooter, since you are off the drug that you had a severe allergic reaction to – how is the new drug working?

And I would answer, not bad. My rash is going away, I assume my liver is healing. There is one little side effect. Extreme Flatulence.

I would say excessive flatulence but for 3 reasons – which I shall articulate here for Donald.

1. It might be said (and in fact has been said repeatedly by Ed) that any flatulence, by its very nature, is excessive. I disagree fully with that sentiment. I mean you don’t want to blow up like some Macy’s Day Parade Float. I must assume he means that any flatulence that other people notice is excessive. I might still argue that, on a slow day. It’s like a tree in the forest, if no one is around to hear it, then what is the fun of farting?

2. Excessive flatulence in a Mitchell is pretty much a given. Sure that isn’t something I advertised as I asked my pumpkin to move to Los Angeles. But, from Granddaddy Green, to Zela to Jerry (but not me of course), the putt, putt, putt noise is a sign that a Mitchell is about to enter the room.

3. This new phenomenon has turned up not only the frequency of my body’s expository moments, but the fragrance. It’s the full experience incorporating not only sound, but smell.
Hence, I feel free to argue that this is extreme, rather than excessive.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but someone must be thinking it, and so I feel compelled to answer. No this side effect does not extend to a problem with my plumbing. As my Grandmother would say (Zela, not Honey – Honey wouldn’t touch this topic with a 10 foot pole), my BM’s are just fine.

How excessive? You know when you drop an alka-seltzer into a glass of Diet Coke?