Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Well, I have a new office. It is on the 6th floor of this building. The "Long Island City" tower. FYI - Long Island City is in Queens. So even though it is off the island of Manhattan, it's only 1 more subway stop.
In fact, it isn't all that bad. It is 5 stops on the E train (no transfer) versus 4 stops for my Park Ave office.
The "Park Ave" versus "Queens" status isn't any bg deal to me. I get to go tie-less (yeah!!).
However there is some things that aren't so fab-bu. Like the fact my new cubicle is dirty biege. And I have space because they laid off a bunch of people. So when the cleared out, not so cleaned up. And my cubicle has lots of old computer equipment. I have a dirty beige cubicle, with stacked computer equipment and the lingering smell of dispair.
As Ed would say, not so aye aye aye.