Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday's News You Can Use...

Well, I am off to Shanghai tonight, so Eddie will (or will not) be updating everyone. As for the news:
Olympic News:
Yesterday we watched Michael Phelps win 2 gold medals! We saw my first swimming events ever. I had been in the water cube before (for diving) but the venue is so impressive. We sat about 5 rows above Jeff Zucker (head of NBC) plus Brian Williams and Matt Lauer. Cool huh?



Tourist News:


I went to the “Military Museum” yesterday. It should just be titled “Museum of Old Propaganda We Don’t Have Any Other Place to Store.”


I LOVED it! I love all that Social Realism Art (now that the commies aren't all that scary).


It is full of big art pieces, war planes, tanks and a missle! Quite the display of “don’t mess with us!”

Scooter News:
Well, after leaving the National Gymnasium Venue today, there was a refreshing little rain on the walk home. After getting 1/3 across the Olympic “Green” (by which we mean wide open concrete place)the refreshing little rain turned into a very refreshing monsoon. You think they look at the big blond giant funny in the supermarket normally, you should have seen them stare at the big blond sopping wet giant today on my way back to the hotel.