Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ed's Dog: Updated

Well Eddie is in New York and I have Trevor here. It made sense in the beginning, but let me tell you that Trevor misses Ed.
Neither of them likes to be alone. If I go, Trevor bolts for the door (yes - he got out once).
And he won't just go crap in the backyard. No, you walk Trevor, so you have to walk around back there with him. But he doesn't want you to watch him, so you have to be close, but then look away and pretend you don't know what he is doing.
Toal OCD pup.
So tonight I take him for a walk after Survivor (and I am so over it, I totally wanted the person who got zero votes to win) and he is still learning about the Desert. He lifts his leg to pee against pointy aleo vera type plants and he gets a jab in the jibblets. He does NOT like that. It happened twice more, and know he only pees on Palm Trees.