Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What a silly law and lawsuit
There is a Kentucky Law and a Lawsuit about it which is just nincompoopery.  It is a silly thing to legislate and a silly thing to sue over.
In 2002 Kentucky passed a homeland security law that stressed God's input (with a capital G).  Here is what the article says "Of particular concern is a 2006 clause requiring the Office of Homeland Security to post a plaque that says the safety and security of the state "cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon almighty God" and to stress that fact through training and educational materials.  The plaque, posted at the Kentucky Emergency Operations Center in Frankfort, includes the Bible verse: "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.""
Now you can already guess what happens next...  The "American Atheists" (who are apparently a real group) are suing to overturn the law.  And, not content to just piss off people with the lawsuit, the Atheists spokesperson released this statement, ""I'm not aware of any other state or commonwealth that is attempting to dump their clear responsibility for protecting their citizens onto God or any other mythological creature," Buckner said.".
Here is my question.  Didn't Kentucky know this was going to happen when they passed this law?  Come on.  In these times of funding issues, is this what Kentucky needs to spend its money on, defending a meaningless law?  I mean, really, if God is going to help save Kentucky- then putting it in the law shouldn't make a difference.  I doubt that God is so petty that he won't help Kentucky unless they put it "official".