Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yes Man From Salon (only beginning.. that's all you need)

Dec. 19, 2008 There's no aroma so pungent as the air of desperation that hangs around a fading comic, which is why we should be grateful that Jim Carrey's new comedy, "Yes Man," isn't being presented in Odorama. Gifted comics almost invariably go bad at some point, possibly because great comedy demands a touch of craziness, a willingness to go to extremes. And any extreme, hit over and over again, becomes tiresome. In choosing his roles over the years, Carrey may have had some sense of that himself, and although it's hard to forgive him for subjecting us to the hell that was "The Number 23," in other cases -- most notably, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" -- he's made unpredictable choices that turned out to be good ones.