Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well I say good for Bristol

So Bristol Palin and Levi Johnson spilt up.  Big deal.  I don't see why it has to be reported.
I mean it was clear that it wasn't true love, it was a high school back seat game of hide the sausage that went terribly wrong with terrible timing.
Here's the thing.  I think it is better to acknowledge you don't love the guy or that it is a bad match, than getting married only to make everyone (and the child) live this crappy life of lies.
My mother once gave me advice about marriage and sexuality and whatever.  She said that you shouldn't rush into things.  And don't lie to yourself just to make everyone happy, because sooner or later you will be so unhappy you take it out on others.
So there you go.  Good for you Bristol.  I think having a baby without a marriage - and keeping it isn't the best idea.  But it beats marrying a man you don't like so that the "news" media doesn't hound you.