Thursday, April 02, 2009

Never Mess with Scooter About Indian Outsourcing

So today I was on a conference call where some Indian tried to out-talk me.  ME!!!
After "Never get in a Land War in Asia" and "Don't Mess with a Sicilian when Death in on the Line" is "Don't Try to Drown out Scooter with Meaningless Babble."
This poor schlub didn't know I used to manage an outsourced group of Indians in Chenai - I know how they work.
They say something wrong first off, then keep talking drivel, so ultimately they first comment is accepted, because you are busy on their last.  AND (here is the kicker) they keep talking on a conference call so that no one else can be heard.
Homie don't play that.  When he made his first incorrect statement (lie), I broke in - but he wouldn't stop talking.  So I wouldn't stop talking.  
So I said, "Excuse me, that's incorrect!  Hello?  Hello?  You know if you are just not going to listen and try to monopolize this conference call line- I just want you to know that I can do the same thing- I can talk and talk and talk- and never let you get a word in edgewise - because you can't continue on when you started out wrong - and I am not stupid - and if you won't listen to me or let me have a two way discussion then no one will listen to you and this is a pretty worthless call don't you think - my boss by the by is Doug Caruthers - who is your boss because i want to call him and tell him I can be just as rude as you if you aren't gong to listen to me on a conference call and not let talk and let other opinions in - this isn't your personal call - we are here to have a discussion and this isn't one..."
His boss finally did break in and the conference call went on very well.  But I think everyone learned that Scott understands Indians and don't try to pull that crap with me again. (or as my uncoordinated friend Stephen Coyne says, "Don't bring that weak shit in the paint."