Sunday, July 05, 2009

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth...

Not really. But from MSNBC, this explains how much it costs to fix my next issues.
Neck nuisance: turkey wattle This fleshy flap of skin forms underneath your neck as a result of excess fat, loose skin, and weak muscles.
The fix: Liposuction performed under local anesthesia is a quick fix, says Yael Halaas, MD, a facial plastic surgeon in New York City. During the half-hour procedure, which costs around $2,500, small incisions are made behind the ears or below the chin; excess fat is vacuumed out via tiny suction tubes.
To reduce bruising and swelling, which can last up to 2 weeks, another option is ultrasound-assisted lipo, which employs sound waves that liquefy fat before it's suctioned out. (With either treatment, you'll need to wear a neck sling for 2 weeks to help skin re-drape properly.)
If you have excess skin, you may need to pair lipo with a neck lift to completely regain firmness. During the 1- to 2-hour procedure, which costs about $1,000 more, small incisions are made behind your ears or under your chin and then excess skin is trimmed, lifted, and sutured into place.