Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How bad was coming back from MSP..

It was hellish. As in “like being in Hell”.
First we were in the tiny ass tin can as shown.
Then they we were 35 minutes late taking off... and by taking off I mean, of course, pulling away from the gate. So I am in the last seat on the right, and Eddie is too seats in front of me. 19A and 17A (it wasn’t a big plane) and right at my ear was the toilet. So.. away we pull and taxi out and out and into a parking lot.
“Folks, as you can see…” by the by, whenever a pilot starts with “as you can see…” it’s gonna be bad. As bad goes this wasn’t “As you can see, we are going to hit the mountain.” Or “As you can see, we have this isn’t LAX.” But still it was “As you can see, we have to park here for a little while.” Probably about 45 minutes.
Now I have to take you way back to boarding. In the MiniApple, 4 people had to board early. These were a very old couple (let’s call them Ma and Pa Kettle) “leading” a two middle aged “blind” people. I know that air-quotes around blind might be rude, but the blind guy pulled magazines out of his bag and they both never picked up their white canes again.
So, here we are on the deck, waiting for take off. First, the "blind" guy won’t sit down and shut up. He is either in the row ahead of Ed, talking with Ma and Pa Kettle (fully looking at them) or taking one after another after another trip to the toiler (reminder – at my ear). And, in the toilet, blindy is LETTING LOOSE. It was so disgusting that the woman in 19B and I closed the door to the toilet, and marked it “Occupied” (you know as you raise the “toilet” sign and move it).
Meanwhile, Ed is having his own smell issue as the family in 16 B and C had a little screaming baby. The baby does stop screaming long enough to regurgitate her breakfast. Projectile vomit. I had to move the sign from occupied to vacant so they could get all the paper towels in the plane.
Then Ma and Pa Kettle start breaking open hard boiled eggs. Nice smell. Apparently Ma Kettle muched her way not only through the delay - but through the entire ride as well.
45 minutes later we were informed it would be another 15 minutes and so Old Mr. Blindy had time to drop another load before we took off.And don’t even ask me about the traffic jam getting into New York from Newark because we came in at 5PM on Sunday rather than 3:00PM.