Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Perez Hilton Ruined Miss Universe for us all...

I have to say that Perez Hilton ruined the Miss Universe pageant for all of us.
Not that he politicized it with a stupid question. But that the question, through his actions and the actions of crazy ass supporters on both sides, drained what little spontaneity there was out of the show.
If you saw it (and you can be forgiven if you didn't - dull as dirt), at the end there is the "Big Question".
Now sometimes they put the final 5 in a "Sound Controlled Space Pod" and ask them all the same questions. But lately all the judges put their questions in a hat and the 5 finalist pick one. By luck of the draw you could get a really good one or a really lame one.
Well, because of the stupid gay marriage question, this time they were vetted! Instead of 10 questions from the judges there were exactly 5 from 4judges and one former Miss Universe (via your official Internet Fuzzy PicturePhone Skype!). Wait, just 5 questions from 11 questioners? That means - prescreened! No dumb ass questions (well Dean Cain's was pretty inane, but just imagine how awful the rejects were!
So Miss Venezuela won (Miss Dominican Republic was robbed). But I LOVED the 2nd runner up below.

This is Miss Kosovo in their country's first attempt. In the early rounds and swimsuit she looked like the other long tousle haired, pre the-copier-is-breaking-down actresses in the start of any bad porn movie; just like the other Miss Razzum-Frazzums.
But then...! In the evening gown she went anti-pagent. No deep cut, boobs hanging out slit-up-to-here gown. She went freakin' Audry Hepburn and looked amazing. Amazing!
She lost because a) She was 18 and didn't know the right "Miss Pageant" answer to Dean's question and b) the Albanian translator they picked up at the local tractor pull wasn't really up to snuff.
But she was great.

And then, of course, there was the wonderful costumes of the world parade. It was more spectacularly horrible this year than ever. It is hard to pick my favorite, but finally I had to settle on Miss Panama whose big boob-eyes follow you around the room like a cheap carnival painting.
Stupid Perez Hilton.