Monday, October 12, 2009

Sometimes I say, I Don't Understand....

.. when I actually mean, that is a stupid thing / idea.
Bunt in this case, I really don't fully understand.
The University of Minnesota recently completed a beautiful stadium on campus. I understand that.
However to play there they left the Minneapolis Metrodome (where they didn't own the suites - and had to pay rent), I understand that.
But the new stadium doesn't have a roof and the Metrodome did - and people like this.
I DON'T understand that.
You know how cold it was in Minnesota for their game Saturday. So cold they had to SNOW PLOW THE SNOW OFF THE FIELD!!! October 10th - snow on the field.
You know where there is no snow on the field on October 10th - 3 blocks away at the Minneapolis (HHH) Metrodome!
And this isn't like Washington State - who brings in the boys from LA and Arizona up to East No Where in November and we all freeze and can't play. Most of the Rodentia Conference is already used to the cold weather and snow. This only screws their fans!
I know that a home stadium on campus is really cool. I know that it adds to college life. I also know that if I was sitting in the chairs recently cleared of snow on Saturday I would have looked longingly at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome and though, "roof!"