Monday, January 11, 2010

NBC Picks up "The Event" Pilot: written by a friend!


So, our friend Nick wrote and co-executive produced a pilot called "The Event". The bomb that is the Jay Leno show cancellation has one silver lining - and that is that NBC had to pick up a lot of new pilots. And Nick's was one of them!!!
Lynn, Ed, myself and Bradley meet Nick and his (then boyfriend) Aaron in Australia one Christmas vacation, at a resort by the Great Barrier Reef.
Nick (and his now husband Aaron) attended our wedding at Gavi's house 18 months ago. They live out in the Valley.
And speaking of an overachieving couple, Aaron recently completed his doctoral degree. He studies earthquakes (so I assume it is a Dr. of Geology - but I might be wrong). All I know is that every time I hear of a big Earthquake somewhere Aaron is off.
In fact, the year we meet them at Christmas in Australia, the giant Earthquake and Tsunami occurred on Dec 26th in Indonesia. Aaron pretty much flew from vacation in Australia to LA and back to Indonesia with a team of researchers.
So there you go, a power couple cross of a future Aaron Spelling and Indiana Jones.