Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Department of Jihad? Really?

Turns out Liz Cheney, the straight daughter of Dick, is a lying bitch.
She was one of the founders behind a new ad that accuses the attorneys that represent some of the Gitmo detainees as members of the Department of Jihad.
Here is some background: Last week, Keep America Safe, the pro-torture advocacy group that Cheney co-chairs with Bill Kristol, ran a web ad that labeled seven DOJ lawyers who had previously represented detainees at Gitmo -- or simply filed amicus briefs in their cases -- "the Al Qaeda Seven."
Wow! Many of these same attorneys are military. Some of the people they represent are innocent and found so.
But forget this particular offensive ad. Think of the underlying premise. If representing an "accused" terrorist makes you a member of Al Qaeda, then follow the logic. Representing an accused burglar means you're a thief, representing an accused murder means you are a killer, representing a party in a divorce means that you are an adulterer bent on destroying our marriage.
She is evil for linking an American ideal - Innocent Until Proven Guilty - to terrorism.