Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time to Remember

I don't know why, but I was thinking overnight about the first time I tried different vegetables when I was young.
(I remember now, we spoke with friends about kids)
Anyway, I had this charming habit of sticking my tongue out and just barely touching the vegetable (or casserole, I wasn't fond of those either).
Then I would pull my tongue in, make a horrible face and shiver, as if I had just tasted death.
My mom would put up with this display about three times, and the respond in one of two ways, depending on her mood.
Fine, starve, I don't care.
Just eat the goddamn thing. You'll live.
My grandmother, would just dump sugar on what ever it was until I ate it.
Except Black Eye'd Peas. There wasn't enough sugar on the planet for those bad boys.