Monday, December 06, 2010

Silly Slippery Slope

Someone is complaining about a new theme park in Kentucky - essentially "Old Testament Land". The state isn't building it, but they will get job creation tax breaks, so someone is bitching.
Here I say, enough is enough.
I don't think this should cause any problems. Unless they show gays in rainbow shirts dancing to Donna Summer getting stoned - or King David sexing up his Military Commander's wife in Adultery - then consigning him to die in battle. Well, I don't think they will show either of those things and so I think this is fine.
It is a "theme park", not a church. For goodness sake, people didn't bitch that Harry Potter world would promote Wicanism
Ease up gang.
Plus, of course, I want to see the animals on the Ark - but they are only showing "younger" animals - and I want to know where the older giraffes go. Because I think having a retirement home for older giraffes would be totally cool.
AND... It will show the real size of a "cubit". (Bill Cosby joke that is probably way over everyone's head but my and Ed's parents..).