Wednesday, January 19, 2011

IRAQ was behind 9/11: Remember that - Now Obama's Team is Doing it

Okay, not "it" Iraq - but "it" the same lie, report, repeat with Wikileaks. Let's not be fooled. Again.

Remember when Iraq was supposed to be behind 9/11?
At the time 70% of Americans believed it. Why - a combination of a lying government and a supplicant press. (I say supplicant because it isn't as loaded as "ass kissing, lazy, unvetted Press")
70% believed a non-truth - easily disprovable.
Because, in large part, of a press that happily parrots a lie. Even on the rare occasions they may "question" what someone "in the administration" says - they show "both sides" of the argument. Like there is a second side of a lie.
Well shame on whoever believes the crap being spewed about Wikileaks now.
As in the "Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice Shame on Me"
Here are some lies - and the facts.
Wikileaks has caused deaths in Afghanistan. LIE
Truth: "We have yet to see any harm come to anyone in Afghanistan that we can directly tie to exposure in the WikiLeaks documents" Pentagon spokesman.
Wikileaks has set back American Diplomatic Relations. LIE
Truth: "Now I've heard the impact of these releases on our foreign policy described as a meltdown, as a game-changer and so on. I think those descriptions are fairly significantly overwrought," Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense. "The fact is governments deal with the United States because it is in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they believe we can keep secrets." Link
WikiLeaks has published "thousands of classified State Department cables" and posted "thousands of secret diplomatic cables". LIE
Truth: Wikileaks has published just 1269 Cables. AND they published them only after they were published in the NY Times and the Guardian of London (among about 6 newspapers they have shared them with). LINK They have over 250,000 cables, but they are actual vetting them and not sharing ones that might really harm people. In fact - they have shared them all with the US Government - so it is a calculated lie by our media and government.
Now kids, I am not saying Wikileaks is great or anything - but for goodness' sake, as intelligent people who (hopefully) vote WE HAVE TO TAKE A MODICUM OF INTEREST IN WHAT THE TRUTH IS or shut up about it. And if CNN and FOX can't investigate and report on the truth... well then, shut the f up. And if they won't (and they won't) then people must take two minutes to find the truth on their own.
Heyzues, we comparison shop for the lowest price of cell phones or cans of tuna. Those same skills can reveal what is going on in the world.
Don't let this be another Iraq and 9/11. We Americans are not dumb. Let's not let ourselves be.