Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Strange Sad Death of Satire

So.. when I was in high school I competed in speech events (I know... LOSER.. whatever, it was fun and I went to state finals twice so bite me).
Anywho, I went once in "Programed Reading" - which was where you pulled together a bunch of different pieces on a topic - I used Satire and Sarcasm.  Shocking huh!
But I have noticed that Satire and Sarcasm is dead.  Dead and buried here in America.  We are immune to both because events have proceeded past the point of ridiculous.  Here are some items that would be too illogical, to much of a stretch to be satire or sarcasm.

- Profiling passengers on airliners is wrong.  We must search everyone equally.  Baby shoes and 80 year old Grandmothers walkers are just as probable to be smuggling bombs as are men 15 - 50.
- We must defund the largest provider of women's cancer screening (breast and cervical) to save lives by stopping abortions.
- We must remove the right to collective barginning AND cut taxes on corporations to save the state budget.
- Medicare is threatened by government sponsored medical care.
- Fairness to NY Teachers demands that bad teachers be allowed to stay in a room 8 hours a day for years instead of being fired.
- The IRA was not a terrorist organization because it didn't attack on American Soil.
- Michelle Obama does not have right to champion healthy eating and exercise because she is fat.  Ronald Reagan, and George Bush (1) were right to champion this because they weren't fat.
- Our President hates the Winston Churchill because of the Mau Mau uprising in a country he never visited, before he was born in support of a father that left his mother.
- The entire state of Hawaii is in a grand conspiracy with Kenya to elect a Muslim to the presidency.
- The EPA - started by Nixon - shouldn't have the ability to control any pollution that might effect global warming.  Global warming is a lie.
I bring this up because I saw a show yesterday that attempted to parody our national hysteria about terrorism by making a teddy bear a terrorist.  It was so over the top it played as propaganda - but I can't think of a way to satire our national freak out and abandonment of our principals.