Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Seriously - Why Is this Woman Promoting Cancer?

(the whole enchilada)....
my highlights...

(Michael Specter) I wrote about the HPV vaccine and the Bush Administration’s opposition to science for this magazine in 2006. What was true then is true now: the vaccine has never been shown to interfere with the mental development of children. There is no evidence—not a study, no data, nothing—to suggest this cancer vaccine causes anything of the sort.

Perhaps it is worth remembering that HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States; more than half of all Americans become infected at some point in their lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.), an estimated twenty million Americans are currently infected with HPV, and 6.2 million become newly infected each year. HPV is associated with cancers of the cervix, vagina, penis, anus, head, and neck, and with genital warts. Indeed, HPV is responsible for almost all of the twelve thousand cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in the United States annually. Cervical cancer claims the lives of three thousand seven hundred American women each year, as well as killing hundreds of thousands of women in the developing world. (SM: emphasis mine)
(SM: Specter has twice received the Global Health Council’s annual Excellence in Media Award, first for his 2001 article about AIDS, “India’s Plague,” and secondly for his 2004 article “The Devastation,” about the ethics of testing H.I.V. vaccines in Africa. He also received the 2002 AAAS Science Journalism Award, for his 2001 article, “Rethinking the Brain,” on the scientific basis of how we learn. His most recent book, “Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives,” was published in October of 2009