Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Back When I was Young...

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We're going way back.  But I remember my first trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park (one of the most amazing zoo-ish places in the world), and I saw my first Okapi.  Okapi's were still pretty rare in captivity (Chicago's Brookfield Zoo was one of the few other US zoos that had Okapis).
This was back in the 1980's and the little shuttle driver actually told us that this was the most expensive animal in the zoo.  It could be sold to other zoos for $250,000, which was real money back in the 1980s.
But they seem to have done well in captivity, with about 150 now.  And one was just born in the Bronx Zoo.
They are really cool animals.  And I think almost impossible to find in the wild (they live in Congo's rainforest).