Thursday, January 05, 2012

Why the Hate on Paul, Dudes?

Man or Manuschewitz - People are hating on Ron Paul.
When the left and the right both gang up on someone, they are either a serial killer or bring up some ugly truths.
I mean, the left and right cannot even agree that President Obama was right to kill Osama Bin Laden.  OSAMA BIN LADEN - and the right questions it.  But they can get together to hate on Ron Paul.
Why?  Forget about the newsletters for a moment.  Really, I can drag up stuff as bad or worse on any of the candidates (Rev.Wright for Obama and Rick Perry's Mormons-are-a-cult Evangelical backers).
So why?  Well, he rails against foreign wars - suppliers of which provide MASSIVE political contributions.  (Boeing, General Dynamics, Whatever-Dick-Cheney's-Black-Ops-Company is called today)    And he rails against support for Financial Firms - which is sacrosanct in America - thanks to their wallets.(Citibank, Chase, and 4 other banks were 6 of the top 10 contributors to the Presidential campaigns of Obama AND McCain in 2010).
So Ron Paul is a believer in democracy - where the people come first.  And kids, that is heresy in the USofA circa 2000s.
Socialism is alive and well in this country.  But not Obama vs. Republicans - as the Tea Party would have you believe.  But in the Defense, Financial and Energy industries, which is where our tax dollars really go.  (any American Reader of this paid more taxes to the federal government last year than Citibank, General Electric, Exxon Mobile and Xe/Blackwater did - COMBINED).