Thursday, March 08, 2012

Good "Bad" Movie Anticipation

Oh John Carter of Mars... how I await thee.
Let me quote some of my favorite review comments.  And you too, dear reader, shall await with breathless anticipation with me....

 But if you’re willing to suspend not just disbelief but also all considerations of logic and intelligence and narrative coherence, it’s also a rip-roaring, fun adventure, fatefully balanced between high camp and boyish seriousness at almost every second. 
Possessed of godlike superpowers in the lower Martian gravity, Carter bounds around in obviously fake fashion, rescuing the sultry and nubile Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins), princess of the besieged city of Helium, who is supposed to be a scientific genius but spends most of her screen time looking bodacious in increasingly skimpy Barsoomian fashions.
 Big movies fail when those who make them lose all perspective on how to make them and whom they’re making them for — when they strike a tone that’s completely misguided, and often unintentionally hilarious. You can feel Stanton struggling to bring the confidence, wit and style of “Wall-E” and “Finding Nemo” to bear upon this leviathan, but he can’t quite pull it off. Whatever tone he’s trying to impart gets eaten by the pure bigness of the project, and you’re never sure whether he’s embracing this ludicrous, antiquated fable of a pioneer American on Mars, or making fun of it. You could argue that that ambivalence is interesting on some intellectual level, sure. But from a commercial point of view it’s contagious, and likely to be fatal....
Oh my Barsoom.  How I ache for thou (thee?).