Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Happy May Day!

Well, here it is, May 1st.  It's May Day.
Now the older May Day tradition are the pagan festivals welcoming the bounty of summer.  So for those of you celebrating those, Happy Three Milking Month (unless Wikipedia is a bunch of liars).
The "Maying" of Queen Guinevere
The more recent May Day is International Worker's Day, celebrating the workers of the world.
Not in America though.
The whole "International Worker's Day" was considered too commie by half, so we (and Canada) have our "Labor Day" at the end of the summer (Canada of course as "Labour Day").
But for most of the world, and all the ex-commies, today is a day to celebrate the workers versus the overlords of unbridled capitalism.  (In America, our Capitalist USED to be involved in the civic good by contributing taxes and infrastructure.  It all seems so quaint now.)