Monday, August 20, 2012

Want to know something funny about Todd Akin

You know Todd Akin, the guy who said "legitimate rape" doesn't cause pregnancies, want to know something funny about him?
He is in the House of Representatives today.  He is one of the Republican Representatives on the House Science Committee.  Isn't that a hoot!
I mean joke is on us all - of course, but still, kind of funny.  This man is making National Science policy.
He takes millions in donations to say that he doesn't believe in Global Climate Change.  He actually said "“In Missouri when we go from winter to spring, that’s a good climate change. I don’t want to stop that climate change you know. Who in the world wants to put politicians in charge of the weather anyways?”  
Apparently he is unclear on the difference between "climate change" and "seasons" - but hey, that is one of the Science Committee members so maybe I am the drooling idiot.
Isn't that just funny.  Ha ha.  The more you know, the worse you feel.