Wednesday, October 24, 2012

They Really Believe This Shit

What shocks me is NOT that he said this, but that he said right before it (watch the video at Washington Post if you want)  "...this is something every candidate faces...".  
Nothing about what the actual WOMAN involved faces, or husbands of rape victims, or father's of victims, or young girls who might have been raped face.  No, this is a decision for politicians (usually male and usually on behalf of others).
Do people, even those opposed to abortion really think that a bunch of politicians deserve to make the decisions about what a raped woman, daughter or wife must make?

And it isn't just him.
Richard Mourdock, Republican Senate Candidate from Indiana; "...even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Todd Akin, Republican Senate Candidate from Missouri: "...women's bodies have ways of shutting down so they don't get pregnant in cases of legitimate rape”.
Joe Walsh, Republican House Candidate from Illinois, "...abortions are "absolutely" never necessary to save the lives of pregnant women.  With modern technology and science, you can't find one instance," Walsh said. "There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing." 
Sharon Angle, 2010 Republican Senate Candidate from Nevada, ...that if a hypothetical teenager was raped and impregnated by her father, it was an opportunity to turn “a lemon situation into lemonade.”
The Republican Platform, 2012, states that abortion should never be legal, including instances of rape, incest or health of the mother.  Furthermore, any contraception that prevents implantation on the uterine wall as well as in vitro-fertilization should be illegal.

I am just surprised that this is deemed acceptable!  I see no where in God's Plan that a woman should be violently attacked, hurt, raped, often left for dead.  And then if she miraculously survives and is pregnant, carry the attackers child every day for 9 months - even if the woman's life is in danger - like - oh I don't know, say she is 14 years old and giving birth would really harm her.  I don't see a lot of difference in this requirement or in strict Sharia Law where they just stoned women who are raped and get pregnant.
Diane Davis, 62 - this is God's Plan?
Amanda Henemyre was 20 when she was raped
Samantha Kelly - 14 when she was raped.  She reported it and the Rapist's friend taunted her.
She committed suicide in November of 2010.