Monday, February 25, 2013

I've Been Gone, Nothing Has Changed

This picture hails from the annuals of, "Are You Kidding Me - or Do You Think We Are Idiots?"
Craptastic Positioning!
For those of you outside the country (or with painfully short memories), last year before the election Congress couldn't get their act together to raise the Debt Ceiling.  So they decided to "hold their feet to the fire".  They passed a temporary law that was a poison pill.  If they didn't get a reall budget passed, then the "Sequester" would take hold - cutting a ton of money.  Half from the Defense Department (thought to be sacrosanct for Republicans) and half from programs like Food Stamps, Unemployment, Air Traffic control, Job Training, Education and Infrastructure (things Republicans don't care about by whining Democrats do).
The idea here was that they would make not doing anything so painful, they would have to do something.  And they did.  When it turned out that Republicans didn't take the Senate (and actually lost seats in both chambers) they put off a decision for 3 months.  You can't really go over the budget, so they voted to ignore it for 3 months.
Yes, really.
But now the three months is almost up and the Republican House of Representatives and the Democratic Senate once again cannot agree how to fix it.  So the Republican's new plan is to blame it on Obama.  Which I expected, but this "obamaquester" is HIGHlarious.  A lie of such wondrous  porpotions that only Fox News will repeat it.
You see, to get to sequestration, a bill had to be introduced in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.  In this country, a President cannot introduce a bill - it is a function of Congress.  And that bill has to be passed by a majority of the chamber.  That means a majority of the House of Representatives (controlled by Republicans) and a majority of the Senate (controlled by Democrats).  They the 2 chambers must reconcile any differences.  Only then does it get sent to the President to sign it into law.
Honesly, you might as well put "#OBAMAHATESBABIES" on the placard.
Obamaquester!  Love it!