Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Well, I have taken a deep breath and I am probably ready to stat blogging again.  I am working and, while I will never be the corporate drone that so many aspire to, I have come to terms with (shudder) working -  and have moved on from belligerent and hateful to simply cranky and annoyed.  As those of you who know me will attest, this is probably the best that can be hoped for in the short term.


You may ask what prompts this… (or you may not – but if you are bored enough to read this far, suffer through)…


Well, at work (work!) I get headlines from around the world and I found one strangely touching.  The Age mentions that “cute” animals are hogging p all the wildlife funds.  Pandas and Tigers and such (although anyone who has actually seen a Californian Condor might disagree on the “cute” part).  This is an old, and not entirely untrue problem.  Usually brought up in reference to spiders, snakes and rodentia that, frankly, we all might be better off without.  In this particular case it was brought up in reference to the Australian Flying Foxes.


Ah, the Flying Fox.  It is not a fox, but rather a very very large bat that flapped around Sydney scaring Ed and I on a train platform.  As all the Aussie calmed sat by as they blotted out the sun, Eddie and I ducked and feared that the Wicked Witch of the West has set some devilish pox on us.  It is amazing how quickly your adrenaline will race when confronted by a bat the size of Trevor, with wings!  But the funny thing…


After that trip, whenever we have journey to Australia we have sought out those denizens of death.  Once you realize they aren’t after you, it is fun to watch a virtual pack of dogs take to wing.  They don’t attack people, so I liked them.  I can see how they aren’t “cute”, but they are cool.