Thursday, July 04, 2013

Pregnant with unintentional irony

The Senate in North Carolina passed an anti-Sharia law.  You know, one of those "does nothing but makes us good because we are get to insult Islam anyway" laws.

But then!!!  Then the North Carolina House of Representatives got a hold of it and decided to add, late at night, with no debate, a passel of anti-abortion amendements.  You know, if a Doctor prescribes a pill to induce menses he has to stay with you in a hospital that will admit you both for days, and if you you question your right to an abortion in the first 12 weeks you have to have a three transvaginal ultrasounds (it doesn't have to work- it just has to humiliate the woman), if you look up "abortion" on the internet you have to return all your Tim Tebow jerseys or any facility that allows abortion has to be colored neon green and write the words "We Worship Satan" - things like that.
What is ironic about it, is that Sharia law - which the bill is outlawing - would also outlaws abortion in all cases, including rape or incest.  I mean, it is weird to pass provisions of Sharia law in a bill that is suppose to outlaw Sharia law.
I don't see why the North Carolina Legislature doesn't go the full monty with the Sharia law.  The woman must have the child, then she is stoned for even wanting an abortion.  And, if she was raped, it was obviously her fault and she should be stoned.  And if she was married and raped by someone outside the family, she would be stoned for extramarital sex AND for inciting rape (after having the kid).  And if she was raped by her husband, she would be stoned for lying, because a woman is just a man's property and you can't rape your own property.