Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pic of the Day: 13 Aug

So a few days ago I posted the picture of the Red Poppies in Croatia.  Well here are the fields of California Poppies.
California Poppies are very fickle things.  They bloom every year, but a serious bloom needs a late winter rainfall in the desert areas to pop.  These pictures were taken from the last time I visited them in massive grandeur.   It was a day trip with Lynn and Jane.
I love these flowers!  I love the randomness, the spontaneity and the unpredictableness of them.  They represent California to me.  Just when all seems barren and boring, or set and staid, ka-blam sudden and fleeting beauty.  A moment that can be caught on film on in art, but can only be captured by your memory.
Close Up.  See the tiny wildflowers mixed in.

Driving around you spot random fields.  Usually in the right season the local library will tell you, daily(!) where they are blooming.  Because they change every few days.  Two or three days and done.  Look at the hills in the background and you can see the carpet of orange blasting through.