Thursday, September 26, 2013

ObamaCare is SO BAD... it would have Cut Lynn's Bill in half.

So a lot of people are looking at Obama care and seeing the cost of a monthly insurance.  These are pre-tax rebates costs - and people are freaking out.  Those people have never tried to buy individual health care.
Our good friend Lynn was self-employed and an  extremely health woman in late 40s when she had to purchase Health Care on her own.  She was an independent contractor before it was cool (i.e., before people started ONLY hiring "independent contractors").
As a healthy woman in her 40s, with no major existing conditions, the LOWEST premium she could find in California was $750 a month.  You read that right.  Health care costs are fucking crazy.  And this was over a decade ago - so who knows now with pricing raises.
Now with ObamaCare - the lowest will be less than $300 a month.  You and I may think - absent of a benchmark - that is a lot.  Trust me, for someone who has had to buy single payer insurance on the open market - it is great.